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  • Lab Supply Supports Day of Immunology 2024


Supported by Lab Supply, alongside the Australian and New Zealand Society for Immunology, and the University of Auckland's Faculty of Science, "The Day of Immunology" ignited curiosity and excitement among students from Edgewater College and AUT.

"The Day of Immunology was an amazing experience for our ākonga at Edgewater College," shared a teacher. "It opened curtains to the world of how science operates in the real world, in particular what laboratory research is like. This allowed them to not only see themselves in this future but understand the journey."

Participants explored cutting-edge technologies like flow cytometry and immunohistology, witnessing firsthand the applications in cancer research and beyond. They engaged with researchers, learning about the collaborative efforts across biology, engineering, and chemistry.

"The AUT students were very impressed by the energy and passion for the work," remarked a lecturer. "They enjoyed finding out more about flow cytometry and immunohistochemistry, envisioning how these could apply in their future work."

The event left a lasting impression, inspiring future scientists and showcasing the transformative potential of immunological research in healthcare.

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