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UF Twin Display

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Whatever you want to perform: material tests, ageing of computer chips, run complex experiments with highly sensitive loads, drying or tempering electronic components, hardening plastic resin or heating plasticine. The Memmert UF universal heating oven / drying oven stands for unparalleled precise, even and gentle temperature control.

  • Temperature range up to +300 °C

  • Five model sizes (110, 160, 260, 449 & 749 litre volumes)

  • TwinDISPLAY variant

  • Forced air circulation

A Memmert heating oven/drying oven offers unique advantages

  • Intuitive and easy-to-use operating menu

  • Air exchange rates and air flap position electronically controllable

  • Temperature and air exchange ramps programmable via AtmoControl software (models with TwinDISPLAY)

  • Pre-heated fresh air prevents temperature fluctuations

  • Almost exclusive use of high-quality, corrosion-resistant and easily cleanable stainless steel for the working chamber and housing

  • Heating concept specifically adapted for a precise and homogenous temperature control

  • A wide range of options for programming and documentation using interfaces, integrated data logger and Software AtmoCONTROL

  • Three years guarantee worldwide

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